With mail from India being stopped to America as a destination on 8th December 2021, we will be shipping all USA bound mail via our Singapore office. This may cause slight delays in mail arriving to America but it will still ship.
What are the main features of Leterozole (Part II)
Introduction Studying the side effects of any drug medication is an involved and exciting venture that can reveal hidden properties, truths, problems and eventual solutions that may be found especially in a certain aspect of the medication. There’s no other feature of drug medication that’s more readily discussed and researched than the side effects of […]
What are the main features of Leterozole (Part I)
Introduction One of the most interesting of all drug class medications are the Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) and Letrozole just happens to be one of them. It has been hailed as one of the strongest or most potent and powerfully effective medication among all the AIs put together. Femara is the dominant trade name used […]
Using Exemestane in bodybuilding
Introduction Even bodybuilders should know and understand everything about Exemestane even if they don’t use it. Such familiarity and understanding may well benefit their loved ones in the event that some misfortune may befall the family such as the wife getting breast cancer? If the husband is a bodybuilder enthusiast, all the more reason to […]
What are the main uses of Tamoxifen for PCT
Introduction There is always the good and the bad in everything that is natural or synthetically man-made including drug medication such as Tamoxifen. These attributes can be accentuated or abated by how people especially bodybuilders use these drug medications. In this article we shall have a look at how the drug medication Tamoxifen is used […]

Is There a Cure for Hepatitis C?
When you do make your first appointment, perhaps the first question you’d want to ask your doctor would be, Is there any cure for Hepatitis C? Which is perfectly understandable and no doubt your doctor would provide you with a detailed explanation of the kind of treatments available for curing the Hep C virus similar […]
A Practical Guide for Domperidone
Introduction When you discover a new drug medication such as Domperidone on which to write new content, there is always an urge to start from the very beginning and try to explain the various features of the medication so that not only the audience is treated to a new and interesting revelation but you yourself […]

Kamagra / Viagra Guide
This article will attempt to delve into a comparative discussion of two drug cures for erectile dysfunction, the drugs Kamagra and Viagra. It is written as a guide to provide assistance to those who have, are using or have never come across the two ED medications before. Hopefully the discussion will end on a high […]

Apnea a sleeping disorder
Many people may be familiar with hearing someone snoring while sleeping but most would be unable to pinpoint a name for the act of snoring, how and why it occurs and if there are any means of reducing or eliminating the habit from the sleep cycle. Most likely, it’s here to stay but read on […]

A guide to acne
Have you ever had acne? Some say it’s the worst house visitor on the planet because it usually arrives uninvited at the most inconvenient of times, it tends to stay longer than expected and when it finally does goes, it leaves a mess on your body that’s very difficult to eradicate. What’s the solution? In […]