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What are the main uses of Tamoxifen for PCT


There is always the good and the bad in everything that is natural or synthetically man-made including drug medication such as Tamoxifen. These attributes can be accentuated or abated by how people especially bodybuilders use these drug medications. In this article we shall have a look at how the drug medication Tamoxifen is used and how its use can be abused by those using them especially bodybuilders.

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and its uses

Briefly, Nolvadex can be regarded as an anti-estrogen or as a pro-drug.

This steroid type drug acts in a similar way an estrogen receptor antagonist with the ability of totally preventing estrogen activities on tumors which the hormone causes.

In doing so, the drug is of great benefit to bodybuilders but it doesn’t end there.

Benefits and disadvantages to bodybuilders

Tamoxifen also adds another great benefit to bodybuilders by its ability to boost testosterone levels that the body produces by stimulating LH production.

For these reasons, the drug is therefore the ideal choice for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). But there’s a snag in the chain.

It’s true that the drug has great benefits in building up estrogen in the body, however it can also have adverse effects on other progesterone related steroids.

Because of this finding, it has been recommended to bodybuilders that they refrain from using Tamoxifen when they are taking steroids Trenbolone or Deca.

Breast cancer treatment

The process by which Tamoxifen prevents the growth of cancerous tumors appears simple enough.

The inhibitor binds itself to estrogen receptors and prevents estrogen from allowing cancer cells to survive and multiply, therefore impeding cancer growth in both men and women.

Tamoxifen is also used as a treatment for breast cancer in women suffering from ductal carcinoma and are potentially capable of developing breast cancer.

In the meantime, Nolvadex is currently undergoing study for possible treatment of other different forms of breast cancer.  The name Nolvades is also called Tamoxifen or Tamoxifen Citrate.

The one and only primary role of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)

The whole focus of Nolvadex is the total blockage of estrogen receptors so that tumor or cancerous growth is starved of its sustenance source in the form of incoming estrogen.

It is therefore the undivided target of Nolvadex to block estrogen receptors in the body to detain them and make them unavailable as food for cancer.

The brain detects the dearth of estrogen

By blocking estrogen from the hypothalamus part of the brain, the brain automatically senses the lack of the sex hormone.

The result of the brain’s awareness is a dramatic surge of the Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) which increases the formation of the estrogen sex hormones.

Nolvadex has also been known to increase the formation of testosterone, which indicates that all the anabolic and androgenic effects that take place are due to the effects of Nolvadex.

The ideal time for bodybuilders to include Nolvadex in their cycle is at the washout stage when they are going off an anabolic steroid.

Normally, anabolic steroids suppress the production of testosterone in the body while Nolvadex can boost its production.

For this reason, Nolvadex can be added during the washout stage of the cycle.

Nolvadex or Arimitex?

For most bodybuilders who reach the washout stage of their cycle and make ready to dump their anabolic steroids, they will opt to take Nolvadex after coming off their steroid.

The reason is simple in that at the end of the cycle during which steroids had a free reign, not much testosterone is left floating around and by taking Novaldex, a return to normalcy in the testosterone population should be the expected result.

The selection of which one to take is purely a PCT contest based on personal preference but in reality, the effects of both drugs are similar.

Nevertheless, since the focus of Nolvadex is for the total blockage of estrogen receptors, many bodybuilders consider this as the best reason for taking it so as to avoid the specters of gynecomastia and water retention.

Strictly speaking, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is not the strongest chemical that can be put to use in a cycle, however it’s probably the safest for the simple reason that it reduces estrogen in your body but also keeps some of it floating in your body to enable muscle growth even at the end of a cycle.

The benefits of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

While it can be said that estrogen plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system, it’s also true that the application of tamoxifen can enhance a fatty profile.

There are many bodybuilders who use Tamoxifen for the health benefits it provides. Nevertheless, if you are aiming to prepare your physical form to achieve a win during a context you must think and act differently.

You should focus of using something that’ll eliminate most, if not all, of the estrogen out of your body and Nolvadex is the ideal choice if you want to remain healthy and you can change over to some other drug say, Letrozole for the remaining weeks of your cycle to achieve your goal.

Ending thoughts on Tamoxifen for PCT

Despite the fact that Tamoxifen is regarded by many bodybuilders as an essential drug treatment, it does have potential downsides in connection with its use as already pointed out.

For one thing, the use of Tamoxifen can be particularly important especially in its use during cycles of aromatizing compounds, its overuse can cause a variety of problems.

In order to avoid these problems a better more sensible strategy for AAS and pro-hormone users would be to employ an aromatase inhibitor that would greatly lower estrogen levels.

This way Tamoxifen’s role as a SERM would become less important and other sides of PCT can be addressed which are commonly overlooked.

Bottom line

The main reason why drug medication Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is very popular with bodybuilders is its total focus on a single and important mission which is the total prevention of estrogen receptors from attaching themselves to growing cancerous tumor cells and helping them to survive and multiply over time. This gives confidence to bodybuilders in using steroids to attain their goals of boosted ego, muscle mass and athletic performance.

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