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Using Exemestane in bodybuilding


Even bodybuilders should know and understand everything about Exemestane even if they don’t use it. Such familiarity and understanding may well benefit their loved ones in the event that some misfortune may befall the family such as the wife getting breast cancer? If the husband is a bodybuilder enthusiast, all the more reason to be familiar with this drug medication. Focus is on using Exemestane or Aromasin (brand) in bodybuilding so read on for more useful information.

Starting from the beginning on Exemestane

Drug medications are usually known by two or more names, a brand name and generic names and are usually categorized in drug classes.

For this series of articles we will explore the drug medication exemestane (generic name) and also by its brand name, Aromasin.

Exemestane is an anticancer agent which is in demand for the treatment of breast cancer.

In addition, the drug medication is also used by bodybuilders to counteract the increase of estrogens in the body caused mainly by the taking of anabolic steroids by bodybuilders.

Bodybuilders take steroids so they can boost their lean muscle mass and improve their athletic performance.

The problem with steroids is they have a tendency to increase the levels of estrogen in the body which can result in the development of breast glands in men (bodybuilders).

This is not acceptable to most, if not all bodybuilders, and one way of counteracting this problem is by taking an anti-estrogen drug such as Exemestane to prevent increasing levels of estrogens.

We will now proceed with start this article in the knowledge that Exemestane can be used for the treatment of breast cancer, and it can also be used in bodybuilding to prevent gynecomastia or enlarging of the breast in men from high levels of estrogen in the body.

The next three very important features of Exemestane which women and bodybuilders should be aware of are the drug’s side effects, interactions with other drugs and precautionary warnings for those intending to use this drug medication.

The side effects caused by taking Exemestane

It doesn’t matter if you take Exemestane for breast cancer or bodybuilding, the side effects are the same which can include:



Short breath


Trouble sleeping (insomnia)



Hot flashes




Upset stomach


Flu-like syndrome


Increased sweating

Hair loss




Hypertension (high blood pressure)



Abdominal pain

Flu-like syndrome

Less common side effects of exemestane when used include:

Gastric ulcer

Endometrial Hyperplasia

Uterine polyps

Cardiac failure


Blurred vision

Serious Exemestane side effects include:

Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes

Dark urine

Abnormal tiredness

Persistent nausea or vomiting

Bleeding from vagina

Bone fractures

Post marketing side effects reported from using exemestane include:

Disorders of immune system (Hypersensitivity)

Hepatobiliary disorders – Hepatitis including cholestatic hepatitis

Disorder of nervous system: tingling and numbness

Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue: Acute generalized exanthematous, pustulosis, hives, itching.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may emerge during the use of this drug medication. Consult your physician for more information about potential side effects.

Are there other drugs that interact with Exemestane?

In the event that your doctor instructs you to take thismedication it may indicate that your doctor or pharmacist are already aware that drug interaction may be involved and they may be quietly monitoring you for any signs of interaction.

You are strongly advised not to begin, end of alter the dosage of any medication prescribed for you without checking with your doctor before doing so. You should definitely consult with your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist before you take any of these steps.

There’s no medical evidence to show that Exemestane has severe interactions with other drugs. However, it does have some serious interactions with drugs such as:




There are at least 39 different types of drugs, with which Exemestane has moderate interactions and is also known to have mild interactions with the following drug medications:

Conjugated estrogens

Conjugated estrogens vaginal

Bazedoxifene/conjugated estrogens

The above information doesn’t include every case of interactions and adverse side effects so it’s prudent for you to consult with your doctor or pharmarcist about all the products that you have used or are using now.

You should deep a suitably compiled list of all the medications that you have with you and you should share your information with your doctor or pharmacist. Check with your health care provider or doctor for additional medical advice that you need.

Don’t hesitate to ask more information or you want to ask more questions about health issues or if you want to obtain more information about this drug medication.

Warnings and Precautions for Exemestane

You should pay heed to the following warnings on Exemestane.

You should note that this drug medication contains Exemestane and If you are allergic to Exemestane you should not be taking Aromasin ao any other ingredients that this drug contains.

You must keep it out of the reach of children. If you happen to take an overdose, you should contact the Poison Control Center without delay.


It’s not advisable to administer Exemestane especially to women who suffer from hypersensitivity due to becoming pregnant or to premenopausal women.

Precautions when administering Exemestane

While precautions for taking Exemestane are not as stringent for bodybuilders as for treating breast cancer, it’s definitely not advisable to administer Exemestane to people with uncontrolled high blood pressure or who are experiencing hypertension.

You should never administer this drug medication simultaneously with estrogens time.

A routine assessment of 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels before the beginning of aromatase inhibitor treatment should also be undertaken.

This is essential due to the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in woman who have early breast cancer and hence women with vitamin D deficiency should be given vitamin D supplements.

Prior to the commencement of treatment, bone mineral density (BMD) should be assessed to identify any risk of osteoporosis by a bone densitometry.

Women who are naturally able to reproduce should be advised to use safe contraception during treatment for 1 month after the final dose of Exemestane.

What about pregnancy and lactation?

You shouldn’t use Exemestane on anyone who is pregnant given that involved risks outweigh any potential benefits and hence you should look for safer options.

The effect of Exemestane in milk is unknown but due to possible serious reactions in infants being nursed, you should advise women not to breastfeed their infants during treatment and for 1 month after the final dose.

It has also been in animal studies that Exemestane can impair male and female fertility.


It’s practical common sense to fully know and understand the impacts of drug medications on your general wellbeing before using them whether you are planning to use them for curing breast cancer or for bodybuilding. Generally speaking their efficacy, nature, dosages, how to take them and the side effects they cause together with the means of avoiding them are generally the same give or take, however knowing them is essential.

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